Kissing Boys in Photobooths.

The eternal quest.

Tag: tokyo


Today I fly back to Australia after another year in Japan.
I’ve lived and worked here in Tokyo for two years in total now
and have come to appreciate the country so much.
I would recommend to anyone who is interested in visiting this
amazing city to do it as it’s something you will cherish for a lifetime.
Over my time in Tokyo I feel I have become enriched and grown
so much as a person. This city is uninhibited it screams freedom
from fashion to food to lifestyle its such an overwhelming place to be.
Coming here when I was 18 was so rewarding as I feel I have been
infused with the essence of Tokyo and together with my own
personality have found a new strength in my confidence and my overall
self esteem.
Walking through the city you can strongly see the link between modern
day life and traditional Japanese cultural life and heritage and how
the two have created a culture of people who are so respectful of
one and another and embrace all walks of life.
I can’t put into words how much this city means to me watching it
change through the seasons, come back from a natural disaster
and everyday leaving the world in awe.
I leave to return home where I won’t have the freedom of dressing
how I want, going where I want and feeling safe and
not being foreign  anymore. Don’t get me wrong I love home it’s just
different. Basically what I’m trying to say is thank you Tokyo.
Thank you for everything.


We’re always trying to predict the future and deal with the present.
That’s what I love about the past, it’s done and nobody can that away
from me.

Last Hurrah

Margaritas, hot sauce, gifts, mexican food, tears, laughter,
tequila, photos, drinks, club, dancing, 5am, tokyo cab rides
and goodbyes.
Last night was nothing short of a great time. I finish packing
my bags today to leave this wonderful country tomorrow.
Being given opportunities like this and to get to experience what
I have with the people I’ve met makes me such a lucky person.
Life is what you make it and I’m making mine epic.
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“I heard it might snow today”

As I exited the subway today in Shibuya I had a message from Lauzinne
who was waiting for me at the starbucks above saying it was snowing.
I had heard that it might snow today and as I didn’t grow up around
snow and cold weather I get really excited as its not all that
common in Tokyo. So as I walk up the stairs into Starbucks I see
the streets of Shibuya filled with whispy white snow floating throughout
the air across the famous Shibuya crossing.
Me and Lauzinne sat at the window and watched the crossing
and the snow, it was a beautiful morning. We then ventured out into the
streets to do some window shopping and hadn’t realised just how much it
had begun to stick. The streets were quickly filling up with snow and
the whole of Shibuya had turned into a winter wonderland.
Snow day 1

We then ventured to Omotesando and by this time the amount of snow had
increased quite a bit. This was when we decided to head home as we wanted
to avoid train delays and I’m not the most winter savvy person.

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We stepped out onto Omotesando street to enter the subway and it
was such an amazing sight. The trees that line this street are always
so beautiful and I’ve watched them from the bare trees of Winter, the new
growth of spring, the hyper colour green of the summer,
the deep red and orange of Autumn and the illuminated Christmas trees.
But to see them covered in snow was a beautiful way to end my year
in Japan, watching something complete a full cycle just as I myself
have accomplished another amazing year here in this amazing city.
Snow day 4
It was a beautiful snow filled Tokyo adventure.


Without such heartwarming people, it would’ve been a cold winter.


Today I closed my show One Mans Dream 2
at Tokyo Disneyland.
I’m ready to get Out There and experience
a Whole New World. I’ve spent so long here
and have loved it so much but it’s now my time
to stop being Part Of Your World and make a life
of my own.
I’m so excited for what the future holds get out
On The Open Road and sing a Silly Song, Wish Upon
a Star and Be Prepared for what life has to offer.
Thankyou to everyone who has made my journey here
just as magical as Disney itself is, I’m very grateful.
Now I’ve Got No Strings I can Go the Distance,
I know things will be good and I Just Can’t Wait
To Be King.

Muse-ic to my ears.

Saw Muse tonight in Saitama with Leo, Laura
Shelly and surprise guest Flan.
It was such a brilliant night.
Muse were phenomenal not only was the music epic but
the way the set was put together visually was
a piece of art.
I’m so glad I got to see such beautiful artistry tonight
with such beautiful people.
It was an amazing set.

One of the biggest highlights to my night was my
friend Leo, to see him in his element was such a beautiful sight.
Leo has always been such a gentleman and is a person
who will step aside to let you have your way before his.
Tonight to see him enjoying a band that he follows and really
having a great time in the crowd was so rewarding.
It’s rare to find selfless humans and I would define Leo
as a selfless human. Catching him tonight smiling, singing
along and moshing in the crowd just really enjoying himself
made me so happy. He was where he wanted to be doing what
he wanted to do.



You were not stamped from a cookie cutter.
You are not a mass produced item. Your life doesn’t
force you along a series of conveyor belts.
You are the owner of your own style.
There is no one else like you in this world and you
have the right to claim your originality. You have the
repsonsibility to discover what makes you unique.
Be confident and you will surely find it, find you!

It’s amazing what a shopping bag can tell you.

Won’t you take me away from all the noise?

The past two nights I’ve had dinner with friends.
Dinner with people can really take your mind of things for
a while. You giggle and laugh and make small talk about
happy times and for a few hours you are rid of all drama that
was bringing you down.

Friends also distract you from stress and drama and I’m surrounded by
the best friends everyday. Wether they’re making
strange noises at you or sharing secrets they are always there
to take your mind off things. I’m so thankful for my friends everyday.

I'm not playing unless I'm Peach

It’s not until you’re alone again that you realise
just what life is like and it hits you a like speeding car.
It always seemed like it was not real but reality takes hold
and you can either be a victim or pick yourself up and take
your life in your own hands.
Being anxious, stressed out and fearing the unknown made me a victim.
I drank my beer ate my chocolate and listened to my sad music
but thats no way to live. I’m no victim, I know what
I want and I’m going out to get it.
I will however finish my beers and chocolate.

Popcorn angels.

The Fancy pants went up against the Poo-poo tub girls
(see viral image if you dare)
in a badminton battle for the ages.
We pulled up our ballet barres for our makeshift net, laid down some tape
and lined up some chairs for spectators, all with rainbow badminton rackets
in tow and battled it out in what was a gruelling evening.

At first there were tensions between the teams with many objections from
opposing sides on the point scoring system, but once the alcohol hit the bloodstream
the tension drifted away and the games continued.

The night ended in a tournament knock out round and I unfortunately was defeated
first round. But the evening was fun and we ended the night with a game of
flip cup and some interesting shenanigans.
Twas an evening to remember.



“When life give’s you lemonade, make lemons
Life will be like what?”
-Phil Dunphy, Modern Family.